An Investigation of the Impact of Baghdad and Seljuk Miniature Painting Schools on Minai Wares

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of archaeology, Faculty of Preservation and Conservation, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Department of Archaeology, Shahr-e Kord University, Shahr-e Kord, Iran.


Pottery art in Iran reached its apex during the Seljuk and Kharazmshahi eras. In these two periods, artists produced
high-quality wares, with Minai decorations which are considered as masterpieces of Islamic art from an aesthetical
point of view. These wares were decorated with motifs from manuscripts illustrated by artists from Baghdad and
Seljuk miniature painting schools portraying epic stories in the Shahnameh or love stories in Nezami’s Khamse.
Although very noticeable, influences on Minai wares from miniature works of Baghdad and Seljuk schools have
received little attention by researchers. This led researchers to investigate the similarities of motifs remaining from
Baghdad and Seljuk schools in works such as Varagha and Golshah, Kalileh-and-Dimna and Hariri Maghamat to
recognise their influences on the motifs of Minai wares. The main purpose of this paper is to study and explore the
impact of Baghdad and Seljuk miniature painting schools on Minai wares and evaluate their respective influences
on Minai wares. The methodological approach applied in this study includes historical-comparative analysis as
well as researches in libraries and museums resources. Illustrated manuscripts belonging to Baghdad and Seljuk
schools were identified, their similarities and differences were singled out and finally their influences on Minai
wares were evaluated.


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